HUMANITY Stage Jams invite our expanding community of USER STAGES designers to craft new levels based on a central theme. For December 2024, the theme is HOLIDAY, focused on translating the celebration or togetherness of the season into puzzle form. Stage creators of all skill levels are welcome to participate, and if you’re just a player—keep your eyes peeled for a STAGE JAM playlist within USER STAGES highlighting stages made as part of the theme!
Creators can take this theme in any direction they’d like. To highlight the theme even more, we’ll play these stages during our HUMANITY Hub Community Streams in December. Follow our Twitch channel at to be notified when we go live.
Join the Enhance Discord server at, share your creations in the #create-and-share channel, and join our Community Hangout event (Saturday, 11/9, at noon Pacific time). Discuss stage creation ideas, learn more about creating stages, or play stages together.
How to participate (it’s simple!):
📖 Create and upload new stages (not something previously shared, please) inspired by the monthly theme. Feel free to interpret the theme any way you want!
🏷️ Don’t forget to share with the monthly Stage Jam tag (in this case, it’s HOLIDAY JAM)
✏️ Share your jam creations in #create-and-share on Discord.
🎮 Play and discuss stages made by other creators.
🗣️ Join our monthly HUMANITY Community Discord Hangout (Saturday, 12/7, at noon Pacific time).
Jam guidelines:
- We ask that participating stages be new creations designed after the jam theme’s announcement, not something that you have already created or uploaded.
- Have fun, and encourage others who are designing.